In pursuit of healing the Swadhyay Parivar: An anonymous and constructive space to generate dialogue, encourage open-minded critical thinking/discussion, and find creative ways to continue the revolutionary philosophy and spirit of Swadhyay.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

What Can We Do?

I have spent the past month closely following this blog. Now I wonder, beyond anonymous dialogue, what can we do?

I understand the need for anonymity, especially in the context of Swadhyaya (the organization) as it is today. If my parents found out that I wrote this article, they would be furious. It is not that they would disagree with anything that I have written. Instead, they would be afraid of what others would think about us if they found out. Would we be the next family shunned from Swadhyaya (the organization)? Swadhyaya (the organization) means a great deal to my parents, in fact they are dependant on it for everything. It is their social circle as well as the sole avenue they access for spirituality and "good work". So, though this fear of theirs (and thus mine) may be irrational, it is therr not only in my family but throughout Swadhyaya (the organization)

I understand the need for dialogue. Dialogue such as the one started on this blog is constructive and the people participating seem to be genuinely concerned with trying to find solutions instead of creating more problems. Clearly all things valuable have started with dialogue. But they have never ended simply in dialogue. There must be an agreement, and then a test of this agreement through some action, that comes from this dialogue, otherwise we will spend all day talking in circles.

So I ask, what can we, not Didi, not the motabhais, not the trustees, but we, as blog readers, as people concerned with Swadhyaya, do?

Most people I know would say, "Why do anything at all?" My friends who are still very heavily involved with Swadhyaya (the organization) would say there is nothing wrong so nothing must be done. If anything is wrong, it is with those who are "anti-Swadhyaya" and spreading these messages. My friends who have drifted away from Swadhyaya over the past few years would say that they can practice Swadhyaya philosophy in their lives and do not need the organization for help. Since all the current "problems" deal with Swadhyaya the organization, and these people do not need the organization, no need to do anything. My parents and their friends would say that they are still able to go to pravachan and gain valuable insights by hearing Dadaji's vichaar without getting involved in the politics. So they say there is no need to do anything and rock the boat when they can still get from Swadhyaya what they were getting from it when Swadhyaya was in its "prime".

Yet I do see the need for action. This comes from seeing people that I care for on both sides of the Swadhyaya fence being negatively affected by all the distrust that exists both within and outside Swadhyaya (the organization). It also comes from feeling like Swadhyaya the philosophy [What exactly does this mean anyway? We say this all the time, but has anyone defined this? Or, more importantly, have we each defined this for ourselves?] has impacted my life in a positive way and is not something I can easily walk away from. I am no proponent of organizational structures, especially not dysfunctional ones, yet I cannot envision a world where people do not eventually come together on the basis of common thought. And so we should not try to get rid of these commonalities but figure out how to best utilize them. Through Swadhyaya (the organization) we have gained access to large group of people who are interested in "personal development", thus development of those around them.

How can we being these people back together in a space where nobody FEELS afraid? Regardless of whether you believe this has to / can be done within or outside of the organization, something must be done.

So, what can WE do?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is introspection time. One can continue doing bhakti without understanding and its not different then "chila chalu" bhakti. These karya is based on devotion and on principles of Geeta. Unfortunatly we bring our Impurities in form of false ego etc. Its time to go back to basics of swadhyaya and understand what dadaji wanted to do.

Its time for krutisheels to come together. meet each other without any reason. read our books regularly, think how dadaji created this parivar.

10:38 AM

Blogger path ke rahi said...


Jay yogeshwar,

First of all you said you do not go to

Second you quoting Didi for one sentence without any context.

I have a question for you?

So far you been posting every negative comment on your site and
all comments reflecting positive sides of swadhyay has been rigorosly
deleted out, what should I have to consider for your advise and you intention?

Did you ever meet Didi or Did you ever had aby constructive dialogue about Swadhyay with any of motabhai
who are currently have responsibilities of Swadhyay work?

I would suggest one thing to you.
I do not know what is your intention, eventhough you think you are rational. You heard enough of
dissident voice. All I want you
to pick up your phone and call a person who is responsible for Swadhyay in your town.

Please ask him to arrange a meeting
with one of the responsible persons
who is working at national level
in USA.

You going to do a big favor to yourslef and the community as a whole. I will appreciate if you make an honest attempt to understand
Swadhyay Parivar and Didi.

I strongly believe current situation
is a misunderstanding and prefer
outsider to judge the dialogue from

Swadhyay is a powerful phenomena that occured in our time.
Swadhyay is THE WORK - Thought/HE(GOD)/Emotion. No work
can be compared with it.
Swadhay is not an institution and not an organization. Please do not
cannonize it.
One cannot understand it until deeping into it and still can not
know when one can be sidetrack from
original thought process.

Swadhyay is a thought and that torch
need to move forward. Guys, please
put your act together, contribute positively whatever way you want to be.

It is not important how many come to
Swadhyay. It is more important how much one can implement Swadhyay in
their life process.

3:17 PM


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