In pursuit of healing the Swadhyay Parivar: An anonymous and constructive space to generate dialogue, encourage open-minded critical thinking/discussion, and find creative ways to continue the revolutionary philosophy and spirit of Swadhyay.

Friday, August 04, 2006

Swadhyay Parivar Response

Some of us were looking for Swadhyay Parivar's response. I just found out about this so I thought more would be interested. I know there was a discussion on why can't Swadhyay just print out a flyer for distribution to the media. Well I think this may be your answer:


[EDITOR NOTE: the below link(not posted by this poster) is to an advertisement printed in English papers across Western India by the Swadhyay Parivar just after the recent controversy]


Anonymous Anonymous said...


Regarding recent contraversies

I have discussed with many Swadhyayees but by and large people do have blind faith. Till now I do not think firmly that Didiji has done fraud or misused property.

But I do think that it should be checked out rationally. I do not think that this issue should be solved by faith…. This is a rational and logical issue which can be dealt with proofs.

I think we need to have firm evidences either to prove the facts:

Its also amazing that why instead of talking about faith and other things the bigwigs and motabhais do not disclose the things.

I think we need proofs of following things: (Real proofs not word docs written by anybody )

1) Papers about bhav nirzar land, and proofs for its commercial usage.

2) Proofs regarding court case, affidavit made by didi / her persons.

3) Sheets of income / Expenditure of funds by every trust

Audit reports of every trust.

4) Why Swadhyayees like badabhai in ahmedabad are involved and turned to kill Pankajbhai.. This is not a swadhyayee value which dada has taught.

We need to condemn those Swadhyayees who have done this.

5) Has didi done anything after revelations of such bada bhais? Have she condemned them publically? Have she come in front and asked swadhyayyes about the same?

I think if we have above proofs and papers we can make it public so that people will be able to decide who is correct.

I tried to discuss it with many bhai’s here some older ones did agree but the ones who are Kendra sanchalak or something are taking everything on faith.

Also many of our brothers and sisters cant imagine this and cant think.

I guess instead of telling who is good and bad .. let everyone have proofs and then let them see and decide. Let the world know

9:45 AM


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