In pursuit of healing the Swadhyay Parivar: An anonymous and constructive space to generate dialogue, encourage open-minded critical thinking/discussion, and find creative ways to continue the revolutionary philosophy and spirit of Swadhyay.

Friday, August 04, 2006

Blog No Longer Active

Dear Readers,

As of this post, we will no longer be accepting submissions or comments.

There have been many comments and posts that suggest that some people do not understand the purpose of this blog. This is a space created to promote dialogue and discussion on critical issues in Swadhyay. Our hope was to ensure that the spirit of Swadhyay continues to inspire and transform people around the world.

We believe that dialogue is necessary to heal the Swadhyay Parivar. Many people writing for this blog may have given much to Swadhyay and may be very active as suggested by the depth of their understanding.

It is our belief that Swadhyay is at a critical juncture, one where each of us needs to think hard about what defines the greatness of Swadhyay philosophy and do everything in our power to preserve it. We must spend our energy in our commitment to the concept, and not in propagating the baggage that has become part of Swadhyay in the past 50 years.

We hope that this forum, at the very least, started conversations that will strengthen our divine bonds and remind us of the power divine relationships. Perhaps many of us will continue to think critically and bring the Swadhyay Parivar back to a clear path of human transformation, full of purity and integrity.


Fellow Swadhyayees


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