In pursuit of healing the Swadhyay Parivar: An anonymous and constructive space to generate dialogue, encourage open-minded critical thinking/discussion, and find creative ways to continue the revolutionary philosophy and spirit of Swadhyay.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Bhaktipheri 101

Quite a number of comments were submitted in response to "Top 10 suggestions" and as someone rightly pointed out Bhaktipheri/Bhavpheri is a very important aspect of Swadhyay that needs separate discussion.

I guess we have heard about this multiple times at various Swadhyay shibirs / gatherings.

I get the ball rolling by stating what I understand:

It is about:
* Buidling selfless relationship and bonding without any motives
* It can be used to convey the Swadhyay thoughts
* Practicing the concept of Divine relationship and brotherhood under the fatherhood of God
* Spend two days of the month doing God's work during one's 'Gruhasthrasham' period of life. This is what Ekadashi was all about.

It is NOT about:
* "Swadhyay" (organization) promotion;
* Promotion of any personal interest (e.g. business contact etc.)

Please feel free to post your views/opinions about Bhaktipheri/Bhavpheri here. What Bhaktipheri/Bhavpheri is supposed to be and what it is not. Please also share your memorable experiences, what was it intially like when you started going for Bhaktipheri/Bhavpheri etc.

Jay Yogeshwar.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jay Yogeshwar.

Reading the comments on the other blog article, I think it would be important to ensure that this discussion takes a critical look at the purpose of Bhakti Pheri vs. the practice.

For example, when we do Bhakti Pheri do we easily differentiate between Swadhyay the thought and Swadhyay the organization?

7:31 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

If it happens outside the time designated by Swadhyaya the organization can it still be considered Bhakti Pheri?

5:25 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bhakti-feri and Bhav-feris needs a closer look by us all.

What is the objective of Bhakti-feri and Bhav-feris? Marketing of Swadhyay or is it for your own personal development?

Lets try to analyze some of the facts so we all have a better understanding.

If it is for one's own personal development so you practice to see GOD in other people's heart, then it is your own personal thing and no one should tell you how to do it and where to go.

Are we all in agreement?

Second, if it for our own personal development, we should go wherever and whenever we choose to go. Why big towns and cities with heavy gujarati population is selected and targeted by our Motabhais?

Third, do we continue visiting the same towns, cities and families once Swadhyay Kendra is established?

Fourth, do we go with an agenda and a HOPE that we will be able to establish a new kendra in these selected areas?

Fifth, are our motabhais under constant pressure from Didi for exapansion of Swadhyay? I believe they are.

I believe that in all honesty, what people are doing is pure LAV-PHERI and I sense lack of Bhav.

These are few of my thoughts.

10:22 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lets get something straight:

"Bhakti is a Social Force"


"Bhaktipheri is a Social Force"

The above commenter seems unable to distinguish between the concept of "Bhakti" as devotion to God, and "Bhaktipheri" as devotion to the Swadhyay mechanism; the latter is an institutionalization of Bhakti, which loses the essence of devotion to God.

12:24 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:06 AM

Blogger path ke rahi said...

One need to understand bhaktipheri
by going outside of paradox of Swadhyay.

But, first of all, bhaktipheri is given by Dadaji and we are fortunate for this prayog.

Bhaktipheri is for everyone just as an Ekadashi. Infact, it is an ekadashi.

One need to read Sanskriti Darshan for Ekadashi, and need to understand what Dadaji is asking us to do. Neither Dadaji or Didiji
did not ask us.

Listen Pravachan of Ishavashyam
" Pravachan # 70-75" I forgot which one was it, he has clarified
real good for bhaktipheri. He
even showed his disgreement with
bhavpheri as an replacement to bhaktipheri.

Who is responsible?

Think of Bhaktipheri as a tool.
If it is used properly it can create a beautiful craft other wise
one can answer only to God.

You go to Bhaktipheri:

1. To turn your mind towards GOD.
2. You do this in true sense if
you do purely as selfless love.
3. You do it as a Niyam with
satatya. Niyam is not a lao.
Niyam means self restrain
imposed only by self, no one
else, i.e., you put give first
priorities to your restrain and
refrain from temptation.

Please read Vyas vichar or Yogishwariyam about Dadaji's thoughts and understand true meanings of Dadaji's saying.


5:45 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jay Yogeshwar Anonymous,

Let's first come out of our shells
first. Let's forget who ir right or who is wrong.

Bhakti is a social force. This is
one fact both of us agree.

Question is about bhaktipheri from you.

1st of all I request you to come out of this dilema about bhaktipheri as a propaganda for Swadhyay. If that is case, than
neither you nor me would be talking

It is bhaktipheri that made some one to come to us with one simple reason, Divine love. Some one came to my life and so do in yours and so many like you and me.
That person came to you with one thing in his mind and that is bhakti, an undeteriorated faith in God that he is with me and working with me. With that faith that person thought to share his experience with any of us.

Do you agree with this so far?

in his mind

8:21 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

3:36 AM

Blogger path ke rahi said...

Jay Yogeshwar,

Side effect of Bhaktipheri in not Swadhyay Kendra. Real effect of
bhaktipheri is self developement.

If one thinks of bhaktipheri as
spreading Swadhyay organisation rather than Swadhyay thought, he/or see rather not spend a one single minute.
If one think swadhyay an organisation, please think twice.

This is exactly same connotation coming down for generations. For example Christianity. Jesus Christ
did not say one thing about Christianity., He talked about humanity.

Same goes about Catholics. Word catholism means universal principles
or thoughts. See what happened to Christianity.

Same goes about Hinduism. It is known as religion. Infact it is not. All our current saints are talking about Sanatan Dharma.

What is difference between Sanatan
and Catholicism? both are literally same. What we do? fight on the name
of religion.

Swami Vivekanand said about paradox of religion: religion brings two unknown people closer as brother and
drift two blood brothers apart.


It is our human mind and ego. We do not want to give up that ego.
Didn't we learn that from Swadhyay
about sublimating and uplifting our
Didn't Dadaji said to uplift desire into good desire and finally into yadichha (God's desire) ?

Are we doing that? Side effect of bhaktipheri is sublimating our ego.
Are we putting a minute effort to
realise this?

6:12 AM

Blogger path ke rahi said...

Jay Yogeshwar

Please read Yogishwariyam Page 81.
and decide.

Dadaji: (addressing to krutisheels
of Yogeshwar Krushi,
Amrutalayam )

"We have to surrender our mind and intellect, which doctors could not find in body, to God. How can we do it?

One devotee says - God! Radhaji took your mind. That's why since you are
without mind please take my mind.

God has given a power to mind that can creat whole universe. But, Yogeshwar does not come into picture
in mind. When mind takes a shape of God with the help of daily meditation and concentratin (Chitta
akaagrata), then we will have habit and Yogeshwar's idol will imprignate
on that Drutchitta. God! if we have to your work, we are ready to take
unlimited numbers of birth. We need
to do such a selfless love. Show the courage by practicing sucha way.
Do Bhatipheree."
This is Dadaji. Please ask a question to self, not to others:

1. Am I doing it such a way?
This applies to any one whether
believes in Swadhyay or whatever
the faith he or she follows.
2. Does it imply anywhere that
Dadaji is exploiting to any one?
or Did he said anywhere in any
pravachan, he has hidden agenda?
3. Why did we run after his words?
4. What was the uniqueness or
charisma he had that we had
given up our mind for his words?

Everyone has freedom of speech, but
even our concious will ask question
"Whatever I am saying is helpful to
me or will hurt us?"
Dear fellows, stop and think. I respect all your courage, please
chanelised it properly.
Every one has freedom to do their
own way, but please do it in a constrctive way instead of mud smear
campaign. That is not a develpement.

Jay Yogeshwar

11:07 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with comment #12 - What is happening now - we are forgetting what we have received from Swadhyay and Swadhyay work - we are becomming very analytical about the work - People will say anything about work - people can write anything about work but what we feel and experience is very important

12:44 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why do we often mix an individual's own personal developemnt and spreading Geeta's thoughts?

Can a person develop spirituality without spreading anything? Absolutely.

Lets be honest about it. We stop seeing GOD in a person's heart, the very moment he leaves swadhyay.

The real danger is that it is likely that someone takes an unfair advantage of one's desire to develop himself spirituality and use the carrot to motivate him in becoming " krutisheel".

Lets talk about "Krutisheelta". How do we define a Krutisheel? If someone meditate daily, pray God in morning and evening, do Trikal-sandhya and read good books on Hinduism or spirituality, is he then not a TRUE KRUTISHEEL?

The way it is perceived in Swadhyay for years is that if you do not work in SHUBHAG and if you do not go for Bhav-feri and Bhakti-feri, you are not a KRUTISHEEL. This is absurd.

How can then one say with 100% confidence and intellectual honesty that these words are not used to mobilize swadhyayis in marketing of Swadhyay?

I am looking for some honest answers and views. I have heard so many philosophical arguments, but none of them convince me as I am a straight shooter and no-nonsense type of a person.

Few of my valid and geniune posts have been deleted by the moderator
and I feel like this boards doesn't welcome fair and honest opinions if it is perceived to be against interests of Swadhyay and its present leadership.

12:49 PM

Blogger Love Swadhyay said...

To the last commenter:

We have not deleted your posts due to content, but due to the way things have been said. This system does not allow us to edit comments, otherwise we would have removed the language that seemed out of the spirit of dialogue and retained the very valid content of your comments.

Please feel free to re-post.

We welcome constructive contributions, even those that are super-critical of Swadhyay leadership, other commenters, writers, or critics; but please remain respectful of people.

An anonymous forum should not de-humanize the fact that we are, after all, talking about people. Critical thinking is necessary but not at the cost of ignoring dignity.

8:12 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

How can then one say with 100% confidence and intellectual honesty that these words are not used to mobilize swadhyayis in marketing of Swadhyay?

Dear anonymous can you tell me
how much are you into Swadhyay.

If you had done even little bit of work, you would not have asked about

No one need to answer this, because
it it beyond your intellactual level.

It seems you have no sense approach.
The purpose of this blog is not to
convince anyone, but get a better understanding. No one has anytime
to convince you, beause even God is
afraid that You may ask him to prove that he is GOD.

10:41 PM


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