In pursuit of healing the Swadhyay Parivar: An anonymous and constructive space to generate dialogue, encourage open-minded critical thinking/discussion, and find creative ways to continue the revolutionary philosophy and spirit of Swadhyay.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

The Work Must Go On

UPDATE: To see other articles, click a link under "articles" on the right side of your screen, or click on a month under "older articles".

Perhaps some of the most pressing questions in the minds of die-hard Swadhyayees center around "What will happen to the Swadhyay Karya (work)?" in the midst of so much conflict... It must seem like this is a critical juncture for Swadhyay - it may be - but hopefully not one of an existential nature.

Swadhyay will likely continue, as all great ideas do, but what is really at stake is how it will move forward. The path ahead should reflect the spirit of the work and the collective conscience of those who have devoted so much to the Swadhyay Parivar.

There are far too many great things about the Swadhyay work to let it be clouded by controversy and negative speculation: this blog is part of an attempt to re-ground Swadhyay in the revolutionary ideas that created it.

The people that care about/practice Swadhyay need opportunities to fearlessly share their feelings, observations, analyses, and concerns - this is part of the constructive healing process and will lead to more organic understanding of issues and solutions that represent the people that make up the Swadhyay Parivar. We don't need to spend our energy on negativisms, but we must share our thoughts on solutions to the very real issues that could undermine the potential of Swadhyay philosophy.

This site is NOT ASSOCIATED WITH AND DOES NOT SUPPORT the group of dissidents that Pankaj Trivedi represented: We are not interested in the power dynamics of the Swadhyay structure or in discrediting Swadhyay leadership. However, that does not mean that we should not be willing to listen. We believe in open-minded dialogue as a step towards re-inspiring the Swadhyay community; to that extent, we have maintained a diverse set of links to provide readers access to information and will publish genuine viewpoints from all perspectives. We are looking for sincere Swadhyayees to come together and constructively develop Swadhyayee-driven methods to keep the philosophy alive, regardless of where you stand, we STRONGLY ENCOURAGE YOU TO CONTRIBUTE.

Still interested? The guidelines to participate:

For the sake of dialogue, it seems important to de-link the philosophy, concept, and work of Swadhyay from the organizational entity that promotes it. The issues at hand seem to be ONLY about the organization and its governance, and the resulting nature of organizational politics and power structures. Perhaps an open dialogue will reveal creative solutions that may be better than the ones being prescribed.

All Swadhyayees, no matter where one stands on the current events, should recognize the greatness of Swadhyay's contribution to many lives and play a constructive role in ensuring the positive continuation of the Swadhyay concept. Dialogue is healthy and necessary to resolve conflict, but not at the expense of the very cause that has brought many of us together as a human family.

  • Be willing to hear everyone, regardless of status, roles, or views
  • Share your observations and feelings, but reserve judgement
  • Accept and respect people that may not agree with you
  • Say what is true for you without making others be wrong
  • Suspend your beliefs and be open to changing your mind
  • Explore disagreement for areas of agreement, or common ground
  • Listen to learn, rather than to confirm your own thinking
  • Do not use this space to defame individuals or spread rumors
This blog is intended to provide an outlet for constructive dialogue on the major crisis currently facing the Swadhyay Parivar. It is an opportunity for Swadhyayees that care to share what they feel and learn from each other, and is a way to help Swadhyayees satisfy their curiosity about the conflict and solutions while maintaining their support of the Swadhyay work. It is a space to share observations and thoughts, not a platform to promote disrespect, hatred, conspiracy theories, or spread venomous conclusions. In the course of this, we hope everyone who participates will re-ignite the spark inspired their involvement in Swadhyay in the first place, and help find constructive ways to resolve the current crisis.

All comments and posts that do not fundamentally respect others will be deleted and will force moderation of this site. The moderators reserve the right to edit submissions to remove content that violates the spirit of dialogue. You may agree to disagree, but help keep this site full of vibrant integrity, legitimate inquiry/debate, and contructive ideas to revive Swadhyay's future.

This blog and its writers do not take responsibility for the content of the links or third-party websites/articles. We believe that encouraging critical thinking and the tolerance of dissent are key pillars for strengthening any community, and intend to provide an intelligent, open-minded and moderated platform to foster useful dialogue and work to resolve the growing conflict. We will publish comments and posts that are in good taste and substantiate their arguments and do not intend for moderation to be censorship of views.

This site is not official or supported by the Swadhyay Parivar, it is merely an effort by individuals who would like to find solutions to the escalating crisis in Swadhyay and re-center the Parivar on living the greatness of its philosophical foundations.

If you would like to write for this blog (anonymously), please send a note with your first post to or visit to submit a post anonymously.


Blogger Love Swadhyay said...


9:58 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, we must keep the true concept of Swadhyay - self-development - in the center as we each assess how to maneuver these unchartered waters. The karya will always be there, in one way, shape, or form. The question that has real merit is "what am I going to do with the knowledge and experiences I have gained from the philosophy Swadhyay is based on - Geeta."

1:24 PM


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