In pursuit of healing the Swadhyay Parivar: An anonymous and constructive space to generate dialogue, encourage open-minded critical thinking/discussion, and find creative ways to continue the revolutionary philosophy and spirit of Swadhyay.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Where do we go from here?

Where does Swadhyay go from here?

I think this is a million dollar question that troubles every Swadhyayee's mind.

Was Puj. Dada right in passing the baton to Didi? Yes. Has Didi been able to hold Parivar together? Yes. Could she have done better? Yes.

At individual level we all want to be heard and our opinion be taken into account. At the same time considering the fact that Swadhyay consists of millions of people - it is just not possible that Swadhyay be run according to wish of each and everyone.

However, it is still important that your views be heard. So share your views under comments section.

I request the blog owner to leave this section on the main page so that all Swadhyayees can share their thoughts and feelings.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"At the same time considering the fact that Swadhyay consists of millions of people - it is just not possible that Swadhyay be run according to wish of each and everyone."

I certainly recognize that Swadhyay is more than me, but this is an oversimplified way of trying to justify Swadhyay's method of adminstration.

Swadhyay leadership doesn't listen to anyone's voice but those they want to hear (not because they have bad intentions, but because the governance structure is flawed).

In so many ways, this whole crisis is about governance; by definition, good governance would avoid issues of accountability and responsibility because it is built into the system.

Dadaji did this intuitively, he understood the psychology of organizations so well that he knew how to keep one together on creative and divine connections.

The current structure does not. How does leadership get selected? How do they pick responsible people? How are finances dealt with? How are sanchalaks picked for youth camp? There are no answers, and the truth shows that there is not a fair process.

Which means: all individuals in Swadhyay are not the same. If they were, I would agree with you in understanding that Swadhyay cannot be run according to the wishes of each and everyone. But most people don't even get heard - it is run according to the wishes of a small group of people that are not picked through a democratic process.

To agree with me, you would have to value democracy - or at least the voice of the people you govern. Swadhyay does not.

10:37 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

dear spiritual Swadhyayis..Awaken, and open thy Eyes..
and see ..everone of us connected with universal
spiritual bonds..the circles of waves of spirituality
widens with time and encompasses all creatures..experience that love and there will be no
bondages and circles entrapping some and empowering a to one and all

10:48 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with comments made by Anonymous brother# 1. The current crisis is about Governance. The problem in Swadhyay is that it is too big now and without well laid out governance structure - it suffers from mismanagement. On the other hand too much governance would kill the whole spirit of Parivar that is the foundatation of Swadhyay Parivar.

We are in for interesting times ahead...

12:02 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

In my opinion - it does not matter who governs swadhyay - as long as we all understand Dadaji's work and philosophy we don't have to worry. We should listen to Dadaji's pravachan and do introspection - before I came to swadhyay I went to listen so many devotees and Kathakars - went to temples more than once a day!! What I learn from swadhyay - I never learned anywhere!!

6:33 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The last few days have reflected widespread attempts to paint the whole controversy in India as a great conspiracy against Swadhyay. From media being paid off to bash Swadhyay, to Pankaj Trivedi staging the whole attack himself.

Maybe it is, but would it be so bad for the Swadhyay Parivar to follow the line that is obvious from the reports coming out of India?

Say for instance, why could we not issue something like the following to Swadhyayees?:

As per news reports and other sources, it seems that a number of people associated with the Swadhyay Parivar have been accused of murdering Mr. Pankaj Trivedi, a formerly active Swadhyayee who had in recent years become a vocal opponent of the Swadhyay Parivar. The motive and details of the murder are not yet clear, and the investigation is not yet conclusive. As of now, it is important to remember that the accused have been arrested as part of an investigation, but have not been formally charged or convicted of any crime.

In the interest of finding the true perpetrators, Swadhyay is cooperating with the investigation and will continue to cooperate with authorities. The Swadhyay Parivar and all affiliated organizations and trusts have pledged full cooperation with the police investigation. Whether affiliated with Swadhyay or not, those responible for the murder of Pankaj Trivedi should be brought to justice.

The Swadhyay Parivar sends our heartfelt condolences to the family of Pankaj Trivedi. Regardless of any differences, murder is not an acceptable outcome.

In light of baseless allegations about the Swadhyay Parivar, Swadhyay will make its regularly audited accounts available for public inspection; For further information or inquiries please contact: XXX XXXX,

It would be a very simple way to let this blow over.

12:38 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with comment #5. We all should join our hands and fight against these alligations!!!

5:41 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

In response to comment # 5 that is exactley what we have heard to begin with. It may not be in same words.

7:58 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

In regards to my first brother. I believe that our parivar system is not flawed. Rarther that our understanding of it is. Dadaji set up a system from which Didiji is following. However, in any organisation, as time passes certain systems and logistics change (according to situations). When change happens, it is up to us to keep faith that the change is for the better.

On another note.
When Dadaji left this world and into our hearts...we all remembered our personal experiences of dadaji during that painful and sorrow time. It was our individual memories of dadaji that got us through and made us stronger. In the same way, it is our experiences and memories of Didiji that we must remember now, during this tough time in our parivar.

9:41 AM


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