Top 10 Suggestions
[THIS POST HAS BEEN EDITED SLIGHTLY MEET THE RULES OF THIS BLOG, if you are the Author and disagree with the edits, please let us know]
Please add your own suggestions at the end of the list.
Dear Didi,
1. Make Swadhyay accounts and procedures open and transparent. List names, Trustess & objectives of all Trusts. Please let people clearly know how accounts and finances of Prayogs like Yogeshwar Krushi, Matsyagandha, Vruksh Mandir etc. are managed. Have this documented so that any one can see. These can change over period of time but that doesn't mean it can not be documented.
2. Stay away from Violence. Let people know clearly that Violence has no place in Swadhyay and anyone involved with violent acts in the name of Swadhyay will not be tolerated. People who carry out Violent acts harm the karya. If likes of Hemraj Ashar can be expelled for acting against the interests of Swadhyay Parivar, there is no reason people who get involved in Violent acts can not be expelled from Parivar. Make it clear that Violence is a strict No-No. Apologize to Pankaj Trivedi's family on the behalf of whole Swadhyay Parivar, if it is proven that folks from Swadhyay Parivar carried out this crime.
3. Publish a whitepaper re: all issues surrounding Bhav-Nirzar. Why are we claiming that there is no temple at Bhav-Nirar whereas we all know for long time that there has been a temple at Bhav-Nirzar all along.
4. Let everyone know who pays for your personal expenses including your overseas trips. Ditto for all trips carried out by Motabhai's. Are these trips paid through Swadhyay Trust / Bhavsamarpan money or are you & people paying from their own pocket? Whatever be the case - let this be open and transparent.
5. Earthquake fund - please provide a comprehensive account of what was collected and where it was used (without having to provide details of individual's names). Please get this verified through a reputed CPA firm.
6. Make sincere attempt to bring back all those who left Swadhyay. Swadhyay Parivar should have place for everyone including those who may not agree with everything in Parivar. Stop this practice of ex-communicating people just because they raise questions surrounding certain practices. Have an environment within Parivar whereby people can have constructive dialogue and they can free raise their opinion without having to fear about getting ex-communicated.
7. Time Management. Many people are upset with the lousy time management that has crept into Swadhyay. Please respect other people's time, make appointments and stick with them.
8. Don't be surrounded by Yes-men only. Have at least some people in your team who dare to tell you different from what you think / prefer.
9. Please take care of your health. Obesity is not good for you personally and it doesn't make sense when you tell in your Pravachan about "Sanyamit Jeevan" when your life doesn't reflect it. Just look at Dada - he was so much more presentable.
10. Please be polite and don't be so sharp tongued. Pujniya Dadaji didn't have to be arrogant to put his point across. We should learn the same humility.
Jai Yogeshwar.
points 7 to 10 really hit home with me. Theres always been talk about human dignity, then when is your time more important than mine. If you set a meeting at a given time, then please turn up on time.
Point 10. you spent more time with dada, then please reflect back on his life and pick up all his plus points and incorportate them into yours.
4:32 AM
5:28 AM
what's interesting about this post is that it moves beyond the presently fashionable topics to discuss and makes strikingly relevant comments about things that we can do to change. I am curious to hear what other people think we can or should DO. It's not enough to say "continue going to Kendra and trust what people tell you," because unless we regain ownership and invest in something we care about, it's not going to evolve. My question - what do we DO?
2:34 AM
Frankly speaking there is not much we can do except voicing our opinion. "Regain ownership" etc. is out of question - this karya belongs to Lord Yogeshwar and he is the only owner.
We at individual level can give our opinion and let God decide. Quite frankly though lot of these suggestion make sense - it really boils down to what Didi wants to do. From outside or distance - it may not make sense what she does but she is not fool (in fact she is very smart) - so we got to leave it to her wisdom which lot of people underestimate. She has been in the inner circle for more than 20 years now and she knows what works.
The other thing all of us need to understand that Swadhyay is unique in the sense that there are people from all strats of the Society. So she need to balance everything.
All said and done - she has done commendable job so far. Albeit there is always room for improvement but all Swadhyayees need to rally behind her so that the outsiders don't get the opportunity to weaken this Bhagvat-karya.
9:09 AM
To commenter #4
There is much we can do other than speak. If enough of us believe the things that you say, there is much that can be in our hands.
It is ironic that you say:
"it really boils down to what Didi wants to do"
"this karya belongs to Lord Yogeshwar and he is the only owner"
You contradict yourself. As a divine family, it actually boils down to what WE want to do, not Didi.
She, and no one else, can stop us from steering the Karya back to God's path (that is the path that felt so right to all of us that it brought us to Swadhayay - we will know it when we get there again, and it is most likely the desire that all of us share.)
9:55 AM
To commentator #5
Well, of course we can argue about this for long but the basic tenets of Swadhyay has not changed.
It is still very much doing same as what it was before.
The main thing is - now that since Karya has grown so much, there needs to put more system in place and that is something not everyone likes.
At the end of the day Swadhyay is all about Bhavpheri and Bhaktipheri (and thereby building relationship) - and that has not changed.
10:14 AM
to the last comment
I agree with commenter 4 - your observation seems blind to the truth.
What was once bhakti pheri - unregulated visits to others for your own purification has become a rule-driven tool for the Swadhyay Parivar.
it became bhav pheri later.
this year, we even got packets on how to do bhakti pheri and what to say (during Archirayan)
last week, I was told that if someone brings up any of this controversy stuff, to politely leave.
say all you like, but it has all changed. a thorough reform agenda is necessary to bring Swadhyay back to its core and to remove the influence of organizational issues.
5:17 PM
To commentator #7
What' the deal about getting packet with suggestion for what to say during Archirayan?
It was Bhaktipheri on big scale and doesn't it make sense that there is some direction for uniform message?
Even then did anyone check on you to confirm whether you stuck with those messages? All of us used it as guideline and used it accordingly.
It was more as a guidance than anything else.
So don't get hung up on this.
7:36 AM
Bhakti Pheri isn't about uniform messages, is it? That makes it proselytization. Bhakti Pheri is a tool for our own vikas, not as organization mouth piece.
The nature of the relationships being built have an underlying purpose when someone is given instructions - it is no longer about building relationships.
It is, at least, important to note that things have changed from the way they were a few years ago.
11:29 PM
It is very encouraging to see the voice of many young people represented on this site and their honest reflections and thoughts. In such times, one of the most important things is to believe in the power of the thoughts that dadaji left us with, to believe in the power of the seeds he planted in us and to have the tremendous courage to manifest them. You only truly control your life, but in living out your life consistent with the values and principles of swadhyaya you will redefine and center swadhyaya with its true core. Humbly but courageously live out what dadaji planted in you. That will speak volumes in terms of an answer.
11:30 PM
To the Commentator #9
Yes - indeed Bhaktpheri is not about uniform message.
However, Archirayan Bhaktipheri on such a large scale and that too in concentrated place - it doesn't hurt to give a common guideline to everyone. This was an aid.
You ask people going to regular Bhatipheri as "Vratin" and you will find that they never get any central communication.
Bhaktpheri is about establishing relationship and that's the central idea that has not changed. However for places like Archirayan - where people are going as one-off Tirthyatra-based large scale Bhaktipheri, it definitely makes sense to have a common message as far as possible.
If you interpret this as "rule-driven tool" - well, that's your interpretation.
We can discuss about this until cows come home and yet may not agree whether this is good or not. So let's agree to disagree and leave it there.
9:08 PM
To the last commenter:
Is "agree to disagree" a way out of true debate? Not about right or wrong.
Tirth-Yatra, as I heard Dadaji articulate it, was about ensuring that the true value of the Yatra was maintaned: by picking a location, you ensured that the process of getting there continued to be grounded in connecting with people. It was NOT about spreading a uniform message, and has not been in any of the much larger tirth-yatras that ocurred prior to Dadaji's passing.
It is not about the rule-driving, it is about the approach by which we treat Swadhyayees. The true "vratin" doesn't need permission to do bhakti-pheri, but it is a common practice for Swadhyay to be the gate-keeper to our attempts to do so. This is the question that needs to be debated... is this necessary to maintain the integrity of Swadhyay? Perhaps...
5:23 AM
Has anyone commenting here gone to Archirayan? I heard they were given material on how to introduce themselves in Tamil, since there was a big language barrier. This allowed people to at least introduce themselves and tell people what they were doing there in their own language. I thought this was a great idea. Regular bhaktiferi doesn't get instructions, but sometimes people ask for it, then suggestions are given. I think it's unnecessary, but there are lots of people who don't know what to say at all and are very insecure, and so somebody accommodates them by giving them suggestions. I would never need or use anything like that, but if it helps them break the ice and get over their own shyness, then it's ok.
8:22 AM
To the commentator #12.
Not evertime there is a right and a wrong. Life is not black and white - more often than not it is shades of gray.
I am not suggesting that either you are right or I am right - perhaps we are both right and both wrong to some extent.
Blog is not the right platform for debate. It is about expressing your views and opinions. As much you are entitled to express your views & opinions and so are others.
And to expect that everytime there is an agreement about what is right or wrong is naive to say the least.
12:30 PM
To the poster #12 who commented:
The true "vratin" doesn't need permission to do bhakti-pheri, but it is a common practice for Swadhyay to be the gate-keeper to our attempts to do so.
Not sure what exactly you are referring to here. Yes - you are right, a true "Vratin" doesn't need permission to do Bhaktipheri.
By all means please be our guest and go in the society to do your Bhaktipheri.
However, if you want to do this under Swadhyay umbrella, obviously there has to be a way to co-ordinate this effort.
How would you feel if on one fine afternoon a family visits you for Bhaktipheri from Swadhyay and immediately after half an hour, another family visits you for same? Does it make sense?
So - there has to be some sort of co-ordination and that's what Swadhyay as an "organization" does.
BTW - have you even thought about this - other than Swadhyay, no other and I repeat no other group of people has any concept of Bhavpheri / Bhaktipheri.
Last month when we were in Trichy, there were several houses were they told us that so far only Christians came calling door-to-door. If ever any Hindu organization folks showed up at their door step - it was invariably to ask for fund/donations.
Bhavpheri/Bhaktipheri is not for faint hearted and it is to the credit of Rev. Dadaji that he was the first one (and till to date the only one) who took this difficult but enduring path.
Despite all issues, the reason why Swadhyay is so strong and resilient is because of Bhavpheri/Bhaktipheri.
Many years back in India, the only Bhaktipheri used to be Mumbai folks visiting Gujarat villages/towns. These days - you go to interior of Gujarat and you will find folks going to Uttaranchal for Bhaktipheri, Mumbai/Amdavad folks now going to Tamilnadu for Bhaktipheri and not to mention 30,000 Brothers/sisters from Maharastra (many of them from interior villages) that visited deep interiors of Tamilnadu for Bhaktipheri.
Bhavpheri/Bhaktipheri is wonderful tool that Puj. Dadaji has given us.
Let us understand the power of it and do not undermine the importance of it through such comments without full understanding.
I do agree with some of the issues and concerns that are raised on this blog and I think everyone is aware of it and the changes will happen. But let's treasure what we have.
1:59 PM
To commentator #13
Yes - I went to Archirayan to Trichy.
And yes - we got Tamil/English translation of common sentences which was more meant to be an aid when visiting homes where no one understood English or Hindi.
It was very useful. Quite a few times those initial sentences (even though in broken Tamil) helped break ice and open the doors. In fact many times, it lead to person in the home making effort to get their neighbour who spoke either English or Hindi and we could carry on communication.
2:18 PM
This is actually a really interesting topic, one that maybe one of us who has a deeper understanding of Bhakti Pheri should write about on this blog as an article. It seems that maybe getting back to the basics would be really valuable.
However, I would like to take a step back, because the intepretation of Bhakti Pheri as above has a number of potentially flawed assumptions.
For example, suggesting that Bhakti Pheri needs to be done under the "Swadhyay banner" to be Swadhyay: if Bhakti Pheri has nothing to do with spreading a message (which it didn't when I started in the US 20 years ago), then the argument about its need for organization is invalid - it is only necessary when Bhakti Pheri is being used as an organized practice.
Personally, if three different people came to my house within a half hour of each other with nothing to gain and no agenda, I would really be in awe of the human phenomenon, even if I didn't have the time.
Second, I think it is enormously arrogant to suggest that Bhakti Pheri has been introduced to the world by Swadhyay. Dadaji is single-handedly responsible for highlighting the enormous introspective spiritual power of the practice - and for institutionalizing it.
The real question is whether or not Bhakti Pheri has picked up an "agenda", whether explicit or not. Having been active in Swadhyay for over three decades, and having attended several tirth yatras in the past 10 years, I think it is fair to say that there is an unsaid agenda, but I do not think it has come from the Swadhyay leadership - I think we have merely failed to deepen the understanding of what it is about with many Swadhyayees.
10:51 PM
To Poster #17
Yes, I agree. Bhaktipheri is an important topic by itself. I have created a separte blog entry for sharing views/experiences with Bhaktpheri.
Please use this feedback space to discuss the "Top 10 Suggestions" only.
11:24 PM
To poster #17
Please read carefully,
1. I did not say "Bhakti Pheri needs to be done under the Swadhyay banner to be Swadhyay".
I said if you are going for Bhaktipheri under Swadhyay umbrella, then there needs to be some co-ordination in place. This was in repsonse to the objection raised by someone that "Swadhyay" (the org) is gatekeeper.
Well of course, there needs to be some co-ordination. Few people like poster #17 may not mind multiple visits in the same afternoon but many people (including me) would not appreciate people from same umbrella approaching my home on same afternoon. That doesn't seem right - at least for most of us.
2. Re: the second objection that
I think it is enormously arrogant to suggest that Bhakti Pheri has been introduced to the world by Swadhyay. Dadaji is single-handedly responsible for highlighting the enormous introspective spiritual power of the practice - and for institutionalizing it.
My apologies if I was not clear enough. I use Swadhyay and Dadaji interchangeably. Of course Dadaji was the one who gave this concept in Swadhyay.
3. There is always an agenda in Bhaktipheri. The agenda is in the form of building relationship as well as carry Swadhyay thoughts unto the last person in the society (without any expectation whether that person picks up or not). So there are always these two agendas which are not selfish by any yarstick. I guess the main agenda should always be building relationship / bonding - because in terms of Swadhyay thoughts - it is always question mark how much / how deep we as individual understand. We are all at different stages of development.
Anyway - I suggest let's discuss this important topic of Bhaktpheri in separate blog entry and leave comment for this blogentry to "Top 10 suggestions".
11:33 PM
Jay Yogeshwar,
Point1: Transparancy:
If one is really interested, take a trip to India, go to any village that has Yogeshwar Krushi or Shri
Darshanam or Matsya Gandha.
spend your time with villagers.
Just go there, say Jay Yogeshwar and talk to them and then make up your mind.
I suggest each and every one to take their time and get first hand experience before you say any thing about so called Motabhai.
By the way there is no Motabhai as a post. They all are responsible for the responsibilities they have taken otherwise they are like you and I.
I suggest everyone to go to work
for these prayogs and then ask to
open any books. Only Krutisheels working for these prayogs has the
right to ask for account.
Please do not insult their Bhakti. If you concerns about them, please try to fit in their shoes first before you advocate them.
People in America, God has given you all resources and still you
put him on side. It is easy to come in talk with so called swamis and writers and reporters, you
going to do greatest favor to yourself by talking to these farmers and fisherman. Do not pity on them, they are pittying for you. Poor NRI's.
I wish these fisherman can take pratigya to feed all NRI so called swadhyayis. I bet still these NRI will be poor.
8:15 PM
Follow up previous note.
Just go to Bomabay, and find out about all these trusts. Atleast, some one who is concern can take trouble for everyone. This may be
your bhakti.
Point #2.
Can you give gurantee that any of your family will be Mr/Mrs perfect?
Your children will not divorce or they will not anything wrong?
I want each and everyone on this blog to post a statement, no matter what happen they will follow exactly like Dadaji had asked, their behaviour will be an ideal behaviour.
Every one please post an affidavit
on these blog with your name. Have courage. I will file a case
against Didi or will persue Didi to
give up her position.
It is time to stop talking and now it is time to start walking.
O courageous so called concern people, arise, sanskriti is crying for you so called courage. Please
show courage.
8:24 PM
Jay Yogeshwar,
I suggest all of you be motabhai,
and if your expenses are not paid,
you all publish your personal expense report on this blog plus
all the load you carry as these current motabhai's.
I have a trust for all of you in heaven that guaranty you 23 angels
and eveerything you can imagine.
8:40 PM
Bhakti Pheri has been introduced to the world by Swadhyay. Dadaji is single-handedly responsible for highlighting the enormous introspective spiritual power of the practice - and for institutionalizing it.
>>>Man you guys act as though you were the first ones to interrupt the average family's Sunday lunch: Hare Krishnas visiting door to door and Jehovah's Witnesses camped on doorsteps have been annoying people for years, way before Dada jacked the concept and got you lot to start your own brand of 'door to door intrusion'
Ps. Written with a heavy dose of irony - Not sure if you ever-so-serious-nowadays Swadhyayees will 'get it'
6:18 AM
Give sugggestions are too easy but to follow / run on them is too hard/tough.
Dear freind, who advised all above suggestion.
Will you reflect same thing in your life.
1. Open your all accounts & documents for everyone to see them, so transparncy will come in your life.
2. When your neighbours come to you and ask for anything about your family & you, please open all for them.
3. If you are salaried / self earned then show all your income everyone passing through the street & asking to what is in your hand.
I hope, you will do the needful.
1:36 AM
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