Love Letter to Swadhyay
Dear Swadhyay,
I’m sorry for the formality of a letter – it’s the only way I could get in touch with you. Remember those days when we used to talk all the time? I’d ask thousands of questions and we would sit and discuss them for hours. No matter how childlike my understanding, you always took the time to make sure that all of my fears were assuaged and my doubts were addressed. No uncle was unapproachable, each sanchalak was a guru. Back in the day when I actually felt like I could shape Swadhyay, like my understanding of it actually mattered…I miss those days…
Perhaps it’s just the cynicism that comes from age, but I can’t help but wonder how we have gotten to the place that we are now. When did you go from being self-assured, dynamic and trustworthy to being fearful and secretive? We used to be able to talk about anything – now, I am afraid to even be near you because I never know what mood you’ll be in. I know that as we grow, we feel we have more and more to lose, but how can you forget the beauty and strength that comes of living our powerful philosophy? There was once a time when the simple strength that came of giving each person the power over her own spirituality – based in the simple strength of divinity within – was enough. We trusted that our process was pure and our message powerful. Fear was absent from the landscape…
Sometimes I wonder what Dadaji would think if he were around. On one hand, he’d be proud to see the millions of people who are continuously being touched by the power of these ancient thoughts. He’d beam to see the number of people who revere and value the immense penance that he put in. However, I think he’d also be deeply hurt, ruined, in fact, by the way that we have allowed fear and ego to seep into our karya. He’d weep at the perverseness of our devotion, which has gotten to a point where we can justify murder in the name of his life. He’d hang his head at hearing youth after youth be turned away, disillusioned, insulted, simply for doing what Dadaji has always asked us to do – ask questions until we become doubtless. Rather, what we see is person after person, bright, powerful but sadly lost, morph Swadhyay into something that excludes anyone who isn’t already like it. It seems to be the turn the world at large is taking – you’re either with us or against us…
However, who could be against us? Who could possibly condemn a massive effort, unparalleled in history, designed to restore the dignity of man? And if someone is, why are we afraid? The attacks against you have been shameful. The slander and gossip destructive and insulting. But when did we start fighting the dirty fight? When did we lose our own asmita and stoop to the level where we would fight hatred with hatred instead of compassion and love? My mind is sad for the slanderers, my heart is sad for us. It saddens me to know that while I lose sleep over my dear Swadhyay, you as you read this will likely interpret it as an insult. Rather than valuing honesty from one of your daughters, you will take it defensively, write me off and refuse to grow.
Perhaps the thing that first drew me in about Swadhyay, and that which I still hold on to most, is that it literally means self-study. The powerful message that word conveys has kept me in awe for fifteen years. To say that spiritual growth requires the courage to peer deep into oneself, strengths, flaws and realities, is inspiring. The question becomes, can we live our message? Can we as an organization embody the spirit of what we claim to stand for? The charm of swadhyay for all these years is the hope that so many of us felt that perhaps we had actually found “it”, that which we had been searching so desperately for. Perhaps the attack against it now is actually the human reaction to the deep hurt of a perceived let down. The seed of doubt has caused so many people’s entire worldviews to come crashing down that it has spawned a campaign of hate driven by hurt.
My most powerful emotion right now is the heartbreak of a loss of trust. I had put so much faith into your purity – as a thought, as a movement, as a principle. Your unwillingness to be open, to trust that I have the capability to discern right and wrong, is an overwhelming let down. That there is a chance that I should not have trusted you is even more disappointing.
However, what brings me hope is that I know that all is not loss. There is still time, Swadhyay, for us to emerge from the ashes, for us to arise as the spiritual power that we are capable of. There is time for us to be open, honest and reflective. We can still respectfully address the ways in which have failed and move forward in a constructive and compassionate way. We can still return to a space that is empowering and decentralized, returning the power over spirituality to the individual and the collective. We can still be adaptive, assured and inclusive as we discover the potential of divinity within each living being.
I close this letter with the deepest of respect and the highest of hopes that we will enter into this dialogue and emerge with constructive and trusting steps for moving forward with a message of love and divinity.
A loving Swadhyayee
very well said.
6:57 AM
very very well said...
quite suprizingly, not too many people have commneted on it.
that seem to be happening for many discussion that has started..
once the most basic questions are being asked about someone's opinion for "not agreeing with the way swadhyay is being run now" or "our the recent business conspiracy" or "Didiji's way of operating", we are not given answers.. and discussion stops there.
If we are not going to be told the true information about all such questions by our own family members, then, what is our choice to besides reading the news and questioning, and just being confused, sad and hurted??
What does didiji's "maun" says about it?? why has not we have gotten a message about anything??
when such a historical work, has been questioned its dignity, why motbhai's and Didiji more worried about their own dignity, reputations and disapprovals ? when dadaji's honesty has been questioned, "why can't didiji and motabhai can jump off the chair and answer every question to media second day the news comes? where is the love towards dadaji that we were taught?"
Dadaji had put trust on the people when they were given responsibility of this work, and why didn't they fulfill it when it came down to answer all the questions about where money goes, and how it is being used????
Dadaji gave answers to 11 christian priests and philosophers, he gave answers to world religious conference about how gita has solutions to all the problems, and
why aren't we able to answer simple questions in front of media???
when common swadhyee like me is losing their sleep over these questions proposed by media, why isn't single motabhai have stood up to say that "Media is wrong" here is the evidence!!!
with love and divine wishes for this work and rev.dadaji.
jay yogeshwar
12:42 PM
I couldn't have said it better myself. The following quote describes what I also miss most about Swadhyay now.
"No uncle was unapproachable, each sanchalak was a guru. Back in the day when I actually felt like I could shape Swadhyay, like my understanding of it actually mattered…I miss those days…"
But I know that I can make a difference and I will together with all of you we will.
The silence can't speak for us forever. The truth has to come out and it will. I just hope this day is sooner than later.
3:24 PM
I agree with the main article which has been said really nicely. I also agree with comment#2 - why there is no message from anybody it is almost more than a month - I heard that media is not responding our comments! I don't care about media but why our own family members keep "Maun"? we need to have some answer? do all these motabhi know how many people are confused? Specially when people are challaging about Dadaji's honesty? How can we sit on the chair - calmly!!
8:53 PM
It seems clear that we as a family want answers. And i am in support of that fact that we can only keep 'saiyam' up until a certain point. I believe that point is not in our hands, rarther in Didiji's. She is under alot of pressure, something we all understand. I believe that certain questions have not been answered by her because she must first sort things out before she can address the parivar. This situation can not be resolved in a few months. We must be patient, strong and keep faith in Didiji. We must protect our local parivar/kendra from all this and maybe thats why such little has been said on the matter.
To answer my first brother/sister. The reason why Didiji has not come out and answered the media early, is because at that time the media were asking all sorts of random and ridiculous questions. Didiji did not want to stoop to the level of the media. Didiji is above and a much greater person than the media or politician. Also Didiji can not answer all the media questions so she has waited. And she will continue to wait (not because she is afraid, not because she is guilty) but because she has to tackle things properly and keep our Dadaji and parivar in mind.
Questions will be answered.
Those days will be back.
Swadhyaya is forever.
8:30 AM
In response to above comments, i understand what you are trying to say. However, we are not talking about telling it to media or TV. we are talking about getting message in parivar.
also, about funds, none is saying that swadhyay ask anyone for money or believing it. But, as we know as being swadhyayes for a long time, we happily gave money for earth quake of gujarat to help our divine brother.. Yes, swadhyay did not ask for it, but as members of parivar for our own brother we wanted to donate, and swadhayay was most reliable source as mediator for that as we understood how transparently and clearly swadhyay worked!!!!! Now, question is when we all put so much trust on it, and if media is questioning it, people like pankaj trivedi questioned its used.
The report about 4000 houses actually did not provide any evidence as media suggested?? we do not have any documents to support our claim of building 4500 houses,(and if we do, DIDIji and other motabhai should have given it when purity of rev DAdaji was being questioned), that tells something about the leaders of the work right now....
Yes, Didiji is under pressure, but she took responsibility, and she has been grown in environment of bhagavat Gita philosophy, reading 12th chapters quote, "tulya ninda stutir mouni.." is enough ... we are not weak or scared, we have GOD within us, Dadaji was never afraid to answer anything to anyone, he had so much faith in GOD that in fact he told president of India(Dr. radhakrishnan), that if he has to lock the pathsala tommorrow he will do it, but he will not compromise with principles...
i am not trying to be harsh, but Didiji is just one of us as she has said, if it is hard for her, it is much much hard for common swadhyayi who is being asked questions at work, by neighbours, family members, friends, and by their own self, and their answers is just muan.. Their answers are, "media is wrong for all the things said" but we do not have any evidence to prove them wrong. may be Didiji at least does not have anyone asking her question any time of the day, anywhere, by her boss, family members, friends etc like common man of swadhyay who has also spend so many years of life for this work....
when we go to bhav pheri, (which we are suppose to do double as given by message), but if swadhayayies are asked one question about issue , and then swadhyayes(we) are instructed by motabhai that we should leave that place without being able to answer the questions with the dignity.......
some of people, have given challange to didiji to come into court, or prove them wrong, and
not a single response, not even by Motabhai's.....
Also, we are so fotunate to have Pujya Tai physicallly present with us, but after dadaji passed away, we have not recieved single message from her in last few years, not even messages that she used to give to mahilas...
even in such critical situations, we need inspiration, wisdom, guidence and strength from Tai as she has seen rev. Dadaji more closely than anyone, she seen the progress of the work more closely and much more closely than Didiji, if we consider dadaji as reincarnation of God, or Guru, then, after him, Tai is the one who becomes wife of reincarnations, or guru-patni
whose voice at least rarely we all want to hear, and when rev. dadaji's purity is being questioned, she is the who can shut even media up and opposers and clear confusions... and those of us who know even little of her personality, character and strength, we know that her words have so much power......
with love to Yogeshwar, parivar and rev. Dadaji
Jay Yogeshwar
2:10 AM
FYI, for anyone interested, we have posted the original advertisement (english) that Swadhyay placed in Indian papers on June 20, 2006.
Click here for PDF article
12:14 PM
Didi said everyone in no uncertain terms during meeting at US that she is not going to provide details of earthquake related fund and its use.
This clearly shows arrogance on her part and how much she is detached from the reality on the ground.
Apparently no one in her inner circle dare say what she does not want to hear and ordinary Swadhyayees have no guts to speak up against her whimsical attitude.
Didi is living on borrowed trust due to Dadaji and she doesn't realize that she is depleting this trust quickly.
She has to be more responsible and accountable or else she is going to lose Goodwill. She probably doesn't realize this but she is in trouble and that too big time if she refuses to change.
2:33 AM
as being a swadhyayi, if above news are true, that deeply hurts my trust and feeelings..
Also, I have also been deeply hurt by motabhai's attitudes and faith in indawling God, that they are so fearful to ask question to her for the fear of losing just positions.. dadaji probably picked them by looking at their nistha and faithfulness to yogeshwar and the truth..
and they have hurted rudhyasth dadaji of many swadhyayi including their own..
when dadaji's credibility has come to question, didi and motabhai are worried about their own..people are willing to die for dadaji's credibility and some of his dearest ones are not willing to admit and correct themselves due to fear.
if they even believed truelly that dadaji was saint sent by yogeshawar , still they would not do or say such thing it..
quite a paradox, those who have read karma yog of Gita so many times, and understood that if not in this life, in next life they will pay for such karma.... if they understand that how many lives they will suffer for their ego, and conspiracy that is hurting such a historical work...
if they understand even a little that the suffering that they will invite for not following their vachan that they gave to yogeshwar and dadaji, then who else would believe in law of karma??
IF they act like , they are going to live once and then decompose into matter, and have disregarded indwaling god that is witness of every action,and would protect them in any conditions even if the whole world is against them, then, they should not be able to hear what above is written???
with deeply sorrowed heart
jay yogeshwar
3:14 AM
The original comment (love letter) is very well written indeed. Good feelings - I mean saatvic - comes when there is genuine trust in people and even a doubt in this trust is a major problem while losing it completely is a sad occasion. There is now no doubt about a lack of trust in the parivar.
In response to aarti, the issue about funds is lack of transparency for example, the UK’s charity commission’s website shows that there are about £2M pounds in total (in one of the accounts) with about £200K coming in annually and not a lot spent. What is the money for?
8:08 AM
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