In pursuit of healing the Swadhyay Parivar: An anonymous and constructive space to generate dialogue, encourage open-minded critical thinking/discussion, and find creative ways to continue the revolutionary philosophy and spirit of Swadhyay.

Saturday, July 08, 2006

I am Disgusted!

I am disgusted by the shear volume and trashiness of speculation about Dada's life, philosophy, and efforts. We should not deify Dada into one more God of the Hindu pantheon, but please show some respect for the Herculean efforts and the integrity that Dada has shown. Do not let the current controversies detract from Dada's tremendous contributions. Most who speculate about Dada's character do not even show a fraction of Dada's qualities. Let us focus on the positive and the future. Openly discuss but do not speculate and share rumors. Please make sure that you remain rooted in facts.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I too am disgusted by the rumors and dirt thrown on Dada's character. He has not only lived the philosophy he speaks, but has done so in a humble fashion.

As rational beings, we all seek answers to the truth. Can we all join hands and do the necessary research to find out if these accusations are true or false? For example, can we not research the validity of Dada's trip to Japan in 1954 and publish the facts on this blog? This way, we can bring closure to the criticism, one way or the other.

I feel that there are so many rumors flying out there and answers are warranted. And the most credible answers will come from our own research.

9:15 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

You guys are saying this 'cause you are all staunch swadhyayis.....just look at it from outsiders perspective and you all will realize how big this is...

11:39 AM


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