In pursuit of healing the Swadhyay Parivar: An anonymous and constructive space to generate dialogue, encourage open-minded critical thinking/discussion, and find creative ways to continue the revolutionary philosophy and spirit of Swadhyay.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Don't be Afraid


We were not going to post the anonymous submission below, but have decided to in order to stay true to our mission of dialogue and accurately reflect the attitudes that are being expressed within Swadhyay today.

In our fact check, we found that there is no place in the Geeta where it says : "sathum prati sathyam".

Further, as you will note, the writer advocates violence as an acceptable resolution because of religious precedent. THIS BLOG DOES NOT SUPPORT THIS STATEMENT, but it is being posted for the sake of dialogue. Further, none of us are Ram or Krishna. None of us, Swadhyayees included, have the ability to decide someone is Ravana or Kansa. The post shows tremendous arrogance. We do not have the conscience or clarity of a Krishna or Rama. END EDITOR NOTE **

Jay yogeshwar

To all my devotee swadhyayee, we are very confused in the present time, but should be active in our swadyaya work and responsibility. We know very well that our work is believing an excellence and elegance, so we keep out the concentrate from the media i.e news paper, satellite, magazine and non swadyayee etc.. Our aim is krishna's thought to reach up un to the last man in the universal. So we have to keep in our mind following paragraph:

There are two types of people living in the society. One is that you convince them by your love and thought, what is the truth so they will believe and understand you. But second is that who is not believe and understand your thought so should be follow the krishna's philosophy. In shreemad bhagvad geeta Krishna said that "sathum prati sathyam" that means to destroy the evil. Here it's known as "non-violence". Because for protect the life of million people should be destroyed the vicious.

We know very well about the life of Krishna. He killed the evil like narkasur, kalvayan, kaunsh, shishupal, and duryodhan, jarashangh etc. even lord rama also killed ravan and vaali. If we study about our patriotic such as veer bhagat singh, subhash chanrda bose , veer savarkar etc, they also followed above the same.

So my dearest brother and sister we have to keep balance in this situation and don't be afraid by the media. Keep concentrate in prabhu karya and show them swadyaya is eternal, evergreen and everlasting not only for decade.

Give me response and send your comments
Best regards
Your brother


Anonymous Anonymous said...

this is more of a clarification,

In The Life of Lord Krishna page 111.

"Thus in Shri Krishna's philosophy of life two approaches are demonstrataed. One, the policy of eveil towards evil minded person a commanding the seat of power( in sanskrut 'shathum prati shathyam') and second, the policy of truth and love( in sanskrut 'shathum prati satyam') towards those evil-minded who were devoid of power.

I don't think the poster know where this is from and neither do I but it isn't in the Geeta and that's fine, but Dadaji has quoted this as the philosophy of Shri Krishna so it is a valid reference.

3:39 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

There are some families in my kendra who also advocate the same thing and justified using the same examples. It was shocking at first and an eye opener to realise such fundamentalism in the parivar, but not any more.

I told them that the rule of law must be upheld and India has a judicial system, which is not brilliant, but it must still be followed. The country was a democracy not a dictatorship. I said to them that their views were totally fundamentalist, but they had nothing to say except reiterate what Krishna/Ram did! Little do they realise that only those who have ALL the qualities of Ram or Krishna can do what they did.

It would interesting to consider the extent to which parivar members throughout the organisation hold such a view, whether openly like these families or covertly. I suspect it is more prevalent than the leadership would like us to believe. It shows how utter shallow their understanding of the swadhyay ethos is despite being active for a very long time in the parivar. Yet even more importantly, it is their so self-righteous attitude I find so prevalent in the parivar that is so infuriating. However, self-righteousness in religious organisations is nothing new – all suffer to an extent and swadhyay is no exception.
- Gabriel

7:14 AM


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