Discussion is Pointless
All this discussion to me is almost pointless, in terms of what is "true" and "real"
The "true": We love Dada-ji and Didi because they have shown us the way to implement principles of Gita in our daily lives, without ever asking for something in return.
The "real": Swadhyaya is not a social club. We are not "Swadhyayi's" because we like to hang out together. We are Swadhyayi's because it is what we practice.
That's the bottom line to any discussion!
Any action that an individual makes can only be attributed to that person. It does not matter whether he/she is termed a "Swadhyayi", or belongs to any other group.
The most important thing is what you are doing for your own self-development. People need to stop worrying about other and other's opinions. [EDITED] .. People will always have their opinions.
What matters is what you believe and what you do!
I disagree COMPLETELY.
You wouldn\'t go to the KKK because of what it is associated with.
You wouldn\'t be seen an adult nightclub because of what it is associated with.
You wouldn\'t hang out with the \"wrong crowd\", say of theives, because of what it says about you.
It is ABSOLUTELY important to recognize that Swadhyay\'s perception also represents you. And what Swadhyayees do - i.e. engage in violence - also represents you.
Discussion, openness, and dialogue can never be considered pointless.
Try not talking to your children about important things and see how they turn out.
11:52 AM
I think to say that "discussion is pointless", is in itself naive and pointless. If you meant to say that discussion without any follow-up action is pointless, I would agree with you.
The previous comment has a good point: try avoiding discussion of important issues with your kids, or wife, or girlfiend, or friends (depending on the stage of life you're in) - you'll quickly refute the statement you've made.
I'd be curious to see your interpretation of what's "true" and "real" in those situations.
2:03 PM
Dicussion is real!
Discussion brings out the truth!
This dicussion is merely a medium for everyone who need to let out their feelings about has happened.
Though incomparable, when Dadaji passed away I was free to discuss my feelings towards him and everything that I was feeling at the time. So would you have said to me "Discussion of the matter is pointless" I hope not.
This is another time in our parivar where we need a place to discuss. Since there is no open medium for this at Swadhyay we have to make a place for it. The blogger made a place for all of us. I am most grateful to you for doing so. I have been able to get past the event and it's shock because of the discussions that are happening on this blog.
Also, this blog is awakening the minds of youth who thought life in Swadhyay was going to be easy. This even has brought challenges for all of us and we are learning from each other how to cope with these challenges.
This blog is helping me develop myself by letting me figure out who I am? and where I stand.
3:30 PM
I find it absolutely amazing that somebody would consider discussion about their parivar as pointless!
If there is an issue with which some members have concerns, then surely it has to be discussed, don't you think?
It is precisely this long standing attitude that there is nothing wrong with parivar and therefore there is nothing to discuss or do, is not only causing continuing friction between the two sides but loyal parivar members have, if not overtly, but quietly questioning the basis of the whole movement as it is currently structured and operated, resulting in dissent and doubt.
- Gabriel
6:37 AM
I find it absolutely amazing that somebody would consider discussion about their parivar as pointless!
If there is an issue with which some members have concerns, then surely it has to be discussed, don't you think?
It is precisely this long standing attitude that there is nothing wrong with parivar and therefore there is nothing to discuss or do, is not only causing continuing friction between the two sides but loyal parivar members have, if not overtly, but quietly questioning the basis of the whole movement as it is currently structured and operated, resulting in dissent and doubt.
- Gabriel
6:39 AM
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